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  Singapore Chinese Opera Museum 新加坡华族戏曲博物馆  
  Singapore Chinese Opera Museum is located in the rustic Nanyang tourist spot in Singapore: Kampong Glam.
The exhibits in the museum revolve around the development of Chinese operas in Singapore since the time Southern Chinese set foot on this island. The exhibits span over a hundred years. Chinese operas include the Cantonese, Teochew, Qiong, Hokkien (Xiang Opera, Li Yuan Opera and Gezai Opera), Yue opera.

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新加坡华族戏曲协会,别称“梨园” 是由中国移民到新加坡的原中国戏曲学院表演系京剧导师黄萍老师在2010年创立的,旨在提升本地戏曲表演水准、向年轻一代推广传统戏曲、加强本地和海外戏曲界的交流。
The Chinese Opera and Drama Society, Singapore (CODS), also known as "Liyuan"(another name for opera performing group in ancient China ), founded in 2010 by Madam Huang Ping.
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